Monday, April 12, 2021

Active work During the COVID-19 Pandemic Is A Future Health Investment

It doesn't feel like it's been a year since the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world. Individuals are becoming acclimated to exercises at home and utilizing cell phones or workstations for quite a long time. 

Despite the fact that the truth of the matter is, individuals who need actual work or carry on with a way of life for some time are in danger of causing non-transferable sicknesses like stroke, diabetes, coronary illness and others. 

In the structure of Physical Activity Day and World Health Day, Fonterra Brands Indonesia through the Anlene brand, along with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Osteoporosis Association , energizes individuals, the two grown-ups and the older, to keep customary proactive tasks, devour adjusted nourishment and early recognition for speculation. future wellbeing. 

"Indeed, even in a pandemic circumstance, a functioning sound way of life should be completed in light of the fact that interest in heart, lung wellbeing and including bone, joint and muscle wellbeing since the beginning is significant for in general prosperity at each phase of life," said dr. Riskiyana Sukandhi Putra, as the Director of Occupational Health and Sports, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, in an online class hung on Wednesday (7/4/2021). 

Concurring with Riskiyana, dr. Bagus Putu Putra Suryana, SpPD-KR, added that active work since the beginning, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, should be offset with the utilization of satisfactory calcium and nutrient D admission. This can be a solid bone interest in mature age. 

"Absence of development (inactive), absence of actual exercise, or unpredictable exercise will lessen tension on the bones, in this manner diminishing new bone arrangement and thus expanding the danger of bone misfortune or osteoporosis." brilliant Good. 

To battle a stationary way of life, Riskiyana recommends doing active work at any rate 30 minutes of the day 3 to 5 times each week. "Active work to battle a stationary way of life should be possible anyplace, including at home during a pandemic."

Actual work is likewise significant during fasting 

dr. Siti Pariani, Chairperson and Founder of the Surabaya Sejahtera Elderly Community, said that actual work and sports are imperative to keep during the fasting month, to forestall bone misfortune (osteoporosis), make bones more grounded, decrease the danger of cracks, and guarantee that bones get legitimate sustenance. great. 

"On the off chance that you don't do actual work, the bone thickness will keep on diminishing with age, other than that the muscles become delicate and little and the joints become firm since they are not moved." he said 

A portion of the proactive tasks that old individuals can do during fasting in Ramadan incorporate strolling brief distances, cleaning the house, cycling nonchalantly, climbing steps, and planting. "Aside from doing actual work, the older are additionally urged to stay away from stress, mingle and petition God for insurance from Almighty God." close Siti.

Sufficient daily nutritional needs

 Rhesya Agustine, Marketing Manager of Anlene, Fonterra Brands Indonesia, also reminded us to always meet daily nutritional needs by consuming foods and drinks rich in calcium and vitamin D proteins which play an important role in maintaining healthy bones, joints and muscles.

 "One of them is by providing high quality milk nutrition through Anlene Actifit and Anlene Gold Plus which are specially formulated to meet the needs of Indonesian consumers for the well-being and health of bones, joints and muscles and get overall health."  Rhesya said.

 Anlene Actifit contains high calcium, collagen, vitamin C, protein, vitamin ABDE, magnesium, and iron.  Meanwhile, Anlene Gold Plus contains additional nutrients in the form of a source of potassium, high fiber, and no added sugar to maintain blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Health check is necessary before Ramadan fasting

There are numerous arrangements that should be done before Ramadan, including wellbeing checks for glucose and blood fats. 

Inner medication expert dr. Imelda Maria Loho, Sp.PD said that before Ramadan or not, intermittent wellbeing looks at should in any case be conveyed. 

Notwithstanding, what should be the first concern is glucose, particularly for the individuals who have not checked it for an entire year. 

"The need is glucose since, in such a case that there is diabetes previously or that was not recently distinguished, it tends to be dealt with. It is expected that later the glucose will drop excessively or too high subsequent to fasting," said dr. Imelda in the online class "Intermittent Medical Examination, What to Look For", Thursday. 

The second assessment that should be a need is checking blood fats or cholesterol. This plans to see if an individual has elevated cholesterol or not. 

dr. Imelda said that when breaking the quick, a few group tend to devour food without considering the fair healthy benefit, which can prompt expanded cholesterol. 

"On the off chance that the consequences of the assessment of the lipid profile are high, he should deal with his food at sunrise and open it so there is as of now treatment," said dr. Imelda. 

dr. Imelda additionally said that there are drugs that are alright for utilization by diabetics and cholesterol during fasting so patients don't have to defer treatment until Ramadan is finished. 

"Drugs for diabetes and an unusual lipid profile can be devoured during fasting, so there is no compelling reason to stand by until the fasting month is over prior to taking the medicine," said dr. Imelda.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Here are 11 food sources that can bring down cholesterol

Here are 11 food sources that can bring down cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the illnesses that a great many people attack it is unpleasant in the event that we get the disease. Because, victims can presently don't eat food unreservedly any longer.

Moving toward the period of Ramadan, there will be numerous merchants of tidbits and food varieties that contain high cholesterol. Moreover , Indonesian culture is portrayed by food varieties that have abundance oil.

For that, it ought to be in handling cholesterol we can add an extraordinary sort of food that lessens cholesterol. Reporting from Health Harvard, there are a few food sources that have a capacity to bring down cholesterol, including these food varieties:

1. Oat

Oats are a simple nourishment for bringing down cholesterol, oats give you 1 to 2 grams of dissolvable fiber. Add banana or strawberry for another half gram. Current wholesome rules prescribe devouring 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily, with at any rate 5 to 10 grams coming from solvent fiber.

2. Grain and different grains

Like oats and wheat grain, grain and other entire grains can help bring down your danger of coronary illness, particularly through the dissolvable fiber they produce.

3. Seeds

Seeds are wealthy in solvent  additionally take some time for the body to process, which implies you'll feel full more after  eating. That's one explanation nuts are a particularly gainful nourishment for individuals attempting to get thinner.

4. Eggplant and okra

Both of these low-calorie vegetables are acceptable wellsprings of solvent fiber.

5. Nuts

Eating almonds, pecans, peanuts, and different nuts is useful for the heart. Eating 2 ounces of nuts a day can somewhat bring down LDL by around 5 percent. Nuts have extra supplements that ensure the heart otherly.

6. Vegetable oil

Utilizing fluid vegetable oils like canola, sunflower, safflower, and others instead of margarine, fat, or shortening while at the same time cooking or at the table aides lower LDL.

7. Apples, grapes, strawberries, citrus organic products

These organic products are wealthy in gelatin, a kind of dissolvable fiber that brings down LDL.

8. Food sources improved with sterols and stanols

Sterols and stanols extricated from plants increment the body's capacity to retain cholesterol from food.

9. Soybean

Eating soy and food sources produced using it, for example, tofu and soy milk, has been refered to as an incredible method to bring down cholesterol.

10. Greasy fish

Eating fish a few times each week can bring down LDL twoly: by supplanting meat, which has LDL-boosting soaked fat, and by giving LDL-bringing down omega-3 fats.

11. Fiber supplements

Enhancements offer the most un-appealing approach to get dissolvable fiber. Two teaspoons of psyllium daily, which is found in Metamucil and other mass shaping purgatives, gives around 4 grams of solvent fiber.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Resep Salad Saus Yoghurt Susu

 Resep Salad Saus Yoghurt Susu

By cakmim On, February 23rd, 2021 Categories : Makanan sehat

Rasanya yang segar dan sehat ini pas untuk menemani menu diet anda. Resep salad saus yoghurt susu banyak mengandung kalsium yang baik untuk tulang. Sertakan sajian sehat ini dalam menu anda sehari-sehar, berikut resep lengkapnya.

Resep Salad Saus Yoghurt Susu

Bahan-bahan :

Apel greensmith, 200 gram (potong kotak)

Strawberry, 200 gram (potong menjadi 2 bagian)

Melon, 200 gram (keruk bulat)

Anggur, 100 gram (potong 2 bagian)

Kiwi, 2 buah (potong kipas)

Buah naga merah, 1 buah (kerok bulat)

Bahan saus :

Yoghurt plain, 400 gramKeju cheddar, 25 gram (parut halus)Susu kental manis, 1 ½ sendok makan

Cara membuat salad buah saus yoghurt susu :

Langkah pertama buat bahan saus, campurkan semua bahan (susu, yoghurt dan keju) sambil diaduk sampai rata.Langkah kedua masukan semua buah yang telah disiapkan tadi dalam wadah atau mangkuk, kemudian siram dengan saus tersebut sambil diaduk rata dan sajikan.

Mudah dan sehat bukan resep salad saus yoghurt susu? Tertarik untuk mencobanya ?

Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi !!!